Charity work is extremely important to us at Professional Leads, we have a genuine desire to put something back into the community happily lend a hand to some worthy causes. Our nominated charities for this year are Otley Action for Older People & Speed of Sight.

Otley Action For Older People

Otley Action for Older People are a long established and successful community based organisation working on behalf of the older population of Otley, Pool & Arthington. Our team help out mainly at the big Christmas Festival that OAOP put on. This year we were running the raffle, serving the dinner and helping with the set up and washing up.

Speed of Sight - Inspire 25 Member

Speed of Sight run events which empower disabled people of all ages. They allow a disabled child or adult a chance to forget, if only for a little while, that they have a disability. We are an Inspire 25 Member of SOS.